If it does not leave to make an impression: He is almost impossible somebody to fill all the demanded requirements. It is certain that it has more important requirements of what others. However if to consider that it possesss most of the conditions, answers without hesitating. For example: If the demanded minimum age will be of 27 years and 25a will be had in, does not leave, therefore, to answer; If it will have concluded a formation course recently or an adequate period of training and the announcement to demand “some experience”, also does not hesitate in answering. The reply to the announcement it will have to be made through umacarta of presentation folloied of the Vitae Curriculum. Personal rocking We can help it • to discover what it knows to make better to discover what more it agrees to it namely as to look work to know the chances that the job market offers to it It does not leave that the days pass…. It is valued! It develops its capacities! It makes its personal rocking! It gives a return for its interests, gostos aptitudes, necessities… • Who am I? What I know to make? What taste to make? That type of activity I played better so far? Where aspects I will be able to improve? I will have necessity to bring up to date my professional knowledge and abilities? Of certainty that will discover in itself something that until moment was unaware of. It makes an effort! It looks for to question itself! IT THINKS… Adopte a positive attitude and if does not forget that. To look job is to work for proper itself. At this moment to look job for itself is the activity most important. To look job adequately, is over all an attitude question. One dedicates as many hours per day, how many the ones that would work for an employer. Who search job is not to ask for nothing. It is to offer a service. If it does not direct only the great companies. It will have as much or more average small hypotheses of being enlisted if to direct to the e companies. It becomes attractive the reading of its resume
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